Friday, July 1, 2011

It's Not About Me by Max Lucado

Even though science has taught us that there are other galaxies beyond ours, that our sun isn’t even the brightest star, and that our existence is just a mere vapor, people still believe that life is about them. It is this belief that destroys families, communities, and even countries. In a society that is me-driven, how do we keep ourselves from becoming self-absorbed and therefore inactive and ineffective believers? Max proposes that when we get to know God through His Word, we can finally see ourselves and our position in life: to be mirrors of Christ, bringing Him honor and glory. As we come to know God, we realize our existence is for him, our abilities are for him, and even our suffering is for Him. For His Glory. For His Name.  There were several truths that spoke to me in this book.

1. A God-centered life works, and it saves us from a life that doesn’t.

2. God has one goal: God.

3. When hard times come, people often say, “Life is short—get out.” God says, “Life is short—stay in.” Endure suffering. Eternity is worth it. “The brevity of life grants power to abide, not an excuse to bail.”

4. If life is just a moment, can’t we endure for a moment? Sickness for a moment. Poverty for a moment. Sickness for a moment. Loneliness for a moment. Isn’t eternity worth it?

5. His plan—born in eternity—will withstand any attack of humanity.

What I like most about Max’s books is that every single idea is backed up by scripture, which is presented in a loving but firm way. The Bible says that the Word is a two-edged sword. It cuts and yet brings healing.

At the end of the book, there are study questions, which make this book an excellent book for a Sunday school class or a small group. I hope it challenges you as it did me.

I received this book free from Booksneeze for the purpose of reviewing. My thoughts are my own.

1 comment:

Belgie said...

This book is such a great wake up call to all of us as we desire to serve the Lord but the deceitfulness of our own flesh seduces us into selfish living without us realizing it.