Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lucid Books

This summer, I started editing for Lucid Books, a small but growing publishing company. I've edited two books now, and I love it.
Lucid Books is an amazing publisher.It's not a self-publisher, but instead a partner-publisher. It's small enough for the author to get a lot of attention, but they've published enough books to know what they are doing. :)

If you are writing a book that you would like to see in print for others to read, check them out! You may even get me as an editor.

Link to Lucid Books

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello can someone show me their rates? It's not posted on the website & I am not loaded with money so I'll need to know how to budget, or much to have saved up. No one has gotten back to me yet. I can be reached at

Thank you,