Monday, December 15, 2014

HopeSprings Giveaway: Hope in Jesus


Immigration Debates
Racial Tension
Broken or hurting marriages
The world is messy. It's broken. Wait, it's more than broken, it's in shattered pieces.
And we search in all the wrong places to fix it: the government, anger, social status, education, relationships, etc.
And they don't solve it. They will disappoint us every time we place our hope in them.
Where's the hope of a better future? The hope that tomorrow will be brighter?
He is the only hope, the only way, the only truth. He takes our brokenness and restores.
He is hope. The brokenness of the world may still swirl around us, a tornado of sin, but inside we can still grasp onto the hope of Jesus.
Titus 2:13 (ESV): Waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ
Our hope is not in the things of the world. Our hope is not in the people around us. Our hope is in Jesus alone and His appearance--His promise fulfilled.
What a glorious day that will be!
What does the word hope mean to you? Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Worth the Time. (Be sure to leave your email address.)
Each comment will also enter you into the Author of HopeSprings giveaway (150 dollar Amazon gift card).
I'll draw a winner on the 20th.




bn100 said...

a chance of something positive

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Yolanda G said...

Looking for good things to come. That more people will find Jesus!
ygamble at bellaliant dot net

Unknown said...

Thank you for this opportunity.

Unknown said...

Hope... Something better. A new life in Jesus (for those that don't know him). Heaven!

Slighthouse 12 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hope means something to look forward to, a ray of hope in a trying time, and the best kind is that which we get from our Savior!

dlkamstra at gmail dot com

Connie Leavitt Rees said...

Hope is the longing for and confident expectation of the promised blessings of our Lord.

cllrees at gmail dot com

Beth said...

Hope is knowing that things will get better even in the midst of trials, knowing there is an ever-present help in times of need. Thanks for the chance to win!


Loraine Ertelt said...

Hope - expect the unexpected as Jesus always has good plans for our lives.

Lpertelt at aol dot com

Jen Goodrum said...

Well put, Laura! Hope is the knowledge that Jesus has already won the battle and that He will make everything right.
JD.goodrum at gmail dot com

Sandy said...

Hope for something better, but praise the Lord in all things anyway. slvie50 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for entering my name in the contest. When I think of hope, I think of a new world with Jesus as King. All crime, death and all ugliness such as bullying, rape and war will end. We will finally enjoy a world of peace.


KatieC said...

Hope? The belief that things are going to work out for the good...somehow. <3

email is: katieclarkbooks @ charter . net


Anonymous said...

Hope is the feeling that things will not always be as they are now.


Anonymous said...

That matter no bad or hard things get we can still keep believing in Jesus. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel! Great post!
Sylvesternator at yahoo dot com

Trixi said...

Hope to me is "a confident expectation" matter what may come, Jesus has control & I can be sure He has everything worked out for my good. "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews10:23

Trixi said...

Forgot my email, oops!
teamob4 [at] gmail [dot] com