Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites!

School started back Monday, so I'm now officially VERY aware of what day it is. :)

1. I got a Fitbit a month or so ago. And I learned quickly how lazy I have been this summer. The goal is 10,000 steps a day, and I'll be honest. There were a couple days I didn't hit 2,000 steps. Now that I'm back at work, it's much closer to 10,000. I love it helping me stay focused on moving more. 
2. I bought these lip balms in Talkeetna, Alaska, which was an amazing little village. They are locally made and fantastic. I just need to go back to Alaska to get more! 

3. Meet the Teacher Night: This is my 14th year in education, and I still love Meet the Teacher. There's just a hopeful excitement in the air, the promise of what could happen. I love it, and I hope it never gets old.

I would write more, but I'm tired. 
Until next week. 

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