Saturday, June 17, 2017

Waiting for Wonder: A Review

Waiting is really hard. And when you're in a long season of waiting, you're desperate to find any answer or encouragement along the journey.  And this book is just that--an encouraging reminder of God's sovereignty and His hand in every season of life. 

What I loved about this book was that it followed the life of Sarah from the Bible, gleaning lessons from each part of her story. I also appreciated that the book didn't give the false hope that if you just follow these steps, you'll get whatever it is you're waiting for. Instead, it focused on the ultimate gift, Jesus.

I found myself skipping the narrative parts, where the author imagined what Sarah may have been feeling or thinking during her experiences, but perhaps others will find that a nice bonus. I preferred the focus on the scriptures, their meaning, and the application.

Overall, I would recommend this to anyone who has grown weary in her season of waiting.

I received this book in exchange for my review. My thoughts are my own. 

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