Monday, November 11, 2013

Looking for a Few Good Influencers!


Worth the Wait releases in February, and I'm beginning to get my marketing plan together. I'd love for you to be a part of it.

I've heard it called several different names: Influencer, Street Team, or even special names reflecting the author's genre or name.

Since I'm a new author, I'm looking for some readers, who are passionate about books, particularly Christian YA fiction, to help me spread the word about Worth the Wait.

What does that mean? You'd get a copy of the book to review and promote. I would also share any other promotional items (pens, bookmarks, interviews, etc.) I get. Please let me know if you accept an electronic copy of the book, which you'd receive before the release, or if you prefer a paper copy. (Keep in mind, paper copies are much more limited, and their availability will depend on the number of requests.)

In return, you'd tell people about the book in a way you enjoy. I'd love to have people who enjoy sharing books in different ways. Some like to post reviews on their blogs, Amazon, and Goodreads. Others like to create pictures with quotes from the book or book trailers. Others prefer Twitter.

If you are interesting in helping me get the word out about Worth the Wait, please take a few minutes to answer these questions. Send your responses to


1.  Are you on any other Street Teams?

2.  What are your favorite books?

3. Are you on social media? If so, where are you active (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Blog, Goodreads, etc)?

4. What ideas do YOU have to help promote Worth the Wait that you'd be willing to share?

5. Would you like to host an interview and giveaway on your blog? If so, what's your blog address?

Thanks for your interest!

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