In the third installment of the Universally Misunderstood series, Daisy finds herself in Argentina for what should have been a vacation with her wealthy best friend and a chance to see where things stand with Max. Instead, Daisy has to go help out at a mission for underprivileged kids in the slums of Argentina so that she can secure her scholarship to Pepperdine. At the mission, things go from bad to worse as Max dumps her and J.C., the cute guy working with her and future classmate at Pepperdine, is bitten by a scorpion and beaten up when he tries to help out an abused kid. Kicked out of the mission, Daisy is fearful of her scholarship and her feelings for Max and J.C. Will Daisy learn to embrace God’s Grace, or will she continue to fear His Rules?
This is my favorite of the three books in the series. I’ve long been a fan of Billerbeck’s adult books, and I felt a little disappointed with her YA books so far. In this book, she hits her stride and delivers a fun read full of funny encounters, sharp wit, and a little bit of food for thought.
In the first two books, Daisy got on my nerves with her back-and-forth feelings for Max, and I feared the third book would be more of the same…just a different country. Adding the character of J.C. mixed things up and brought out a stronger Daisy. I found I liked her a lot better when she was forced to think for herself and when she was around J.C. I also loved the change in her relationship with her overbearing parents, who truly love her despite their awkward dance routines and homemade clothes. Another pleasant surprise was Claire. For two books, she tried fad after fad, searching for a place to belong, and she found it in Argentina. I would love to read about her next adventure. (Hint, hint, K.B.)
Fans of the Daisy series will enjoy this third book, and I do recommend that new fans read them in order. I’m hoping there’s a fourth book so we can see what happens next.
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